Friday, December 31, 2004

A little more about Salami--since this quote from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies ( came to my attention.

Referring to Bin Slobberin's latest recorded refuse, this article notes:
[T]he tape asserts that anyone who participates in the upcoming Iraqi or Palestinian elections is an "infidel," in effect demanding that Iraqis accept bin Laden as the supreme Islamic religious authority.
My reaction is, as we say in my country, "Who died and made you God?" IIRC, this gobbler never even studied theology. He thinks he can buy the caliphate with his family fortune--that, and his long beard, plus a turban. Aside from deluded disciples, that's all he's got. Whether he even believes his own rantings is questionable. Maybe he's just in it for the power trip. Personally I don't care.

It's like this bit I thought up in perhaps a different context: sort of Thomas Jefferson meets (the old Johnny Carson character) Art Fern: "Want to preach no god? We don't care! Want to preach 20 gods? We don't care! Want to sacrifice poultry and goats? We don't care! Want to kill people? That's when we care!"

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Seems every time I start an entry, I feel like apologizing. Well--yes, I've ignored this blog for more than a month now. Tonight I'm ready for something different. For better or worse, I'm joining an organized blogospheric movement:

There it is, folks, a current Noble Cause. It may not come as much of a surprise to Hohenblogger's readers--if it has any yet! By way of confession, I'm a member of the Republican National Committee, though I also have ties to the Libertarian Party. At any rate partisan activity is probably less fundamental to me than to a major portion of the politically active.

As for the Clintons--well, I'm not so violently opposed to them that I wouldn't associate with them myself if I thought it might advance my career! Not that I'd be up to misrepresenting myself, but if (in my estimation) it did no harm, I'd be ready to exploit their standing. More of this later, maybe. I'd prefer, of course, that the reviled Rodwoman not become President.

At any rate I'm aware that we have more dangerous enemies. Like many of you all, I'd be happy to personally put Salami been Slobberin and his Islamofascist pals, as well as their current Saddamite allies of convenience, out of our misery. Lacking the means, we mere Netizens can at least attack electronically, if only to mock these deluded dorks.